Favorite site or activity to guide and why? My favorite place to guide is the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem. When you stand at the gate before entering the Old City, which tells a story of thousands of years of history, you stand between the New City and the walls of the Old City, before you enter the Old City of Jerusalem for the first time, and you realize in an instant that there is no city you have ever seen in your life that is like it. There is only one Jerusalem, you can see the people going in and out, and when you look at the ancient walls and the gate, then the history just bursts out and you think about how much has happened there in the last thousands of years, it is a very special place for me
What’s your best tip for first time visit in Israel? My advice for the first time in Israel, it is mandatory to eat a falafel at least three times
Favorite Jewish/Israeli historical figure and why? My favorite historical figure is without a doubt Golda Meir simply because there are no such people nowadays who would give their all in what they believed in and dedicate themselves to the amazing idea of the establishment of the State of Israel, and it didn’t matter to her that she was a woman, she was still one of the toughest people who ever led the State of Israel, there is a reason They say that Golda had a husband but her true marriage was with the State of Israel, and even if she made a mistake she always knew how to take responsibility for it, it would be really amazing if we had a Golda or two in our leadership today