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My Favorite Site to guide in Israel:

If I need to pick up one site only…. It would probably be the City of David. The City of David reflects for me the main reason I love being a tour educator. It combines a few of my true loves: biblical history, archeology, contemporary geo-politics and fun. Where archeology can verify the bible is where I truly get excited. The City of David is one of the sites where we can deeply understand our right to have a Jewish state in the land of Israel based on archeological evidences as well as discuss the authenticity of the bible. Here archeology verifies biblical events. It is one of those real opportunities to walk through history, touch it and feel it.

My bets tip for first timers:

Keep in mind –

  1. It is a journey not a trip….
  2. Be open minded
  3. Try not to be judgmental
  4. Open your hurt to feel
  5. Expect to leave with more questions then you arrived with….